

Amarlis Vazquez

ENGL 21001


11 December 2019

My writing technique has increased over this semester. I have edited, researched and taken both the professors and classmates’ advice. I have taken into account my classmates writing techniques and tried to apply it to my own writing. In essay three, my classmates reviewed my essay and left comments. They told me to add analysis to the lyrics that I mentioned were the artist’s, Kesha, way of sending a message to someone. “The tempo and lack of instruments made her vocals and lyrics come out clear. “(Critical Analysis). Since I mentioned that the lyrics were meaningful, my classmates were expecting me to explain why. I did so by saying, “Kesha’s lyrics have themes of strength and bravery. It is obvious that she is speaking to someone in her lyrics. In the first verse” (Critical Analysis). Analyzing the lyrics strengthened my thesis. When I would write essays, I didn’t necessarily have a goal over all because I would write for the word count. It was difficult for me to reach word counts or page requirements because I wasn’t writing enough. I then realized that I need to explain every claim I make because my opinion on things are always going to be self-explanatory. When I write now, I am mindful to the word count, but my goal is to properly explain every claim thoroughly. Writing for this course, made me realize that summarizing a source shouldn’t be most of your essay. Your opinion and claims should be most of the essay. The person reading your essay can easily read the text you’re writing about and not have to worry about rereading the story in your essay. There should be three or five sentences on the text but then it should be claims and proofs after that. “The image the author includes is an image of a woman’s neck and down to where her bra is showing. In the link the author included, there are more images that campaign created. I think the author wanted the audience to realize that this is an actual issue that occurs to women daily. She makes this purpose visible due to the language being understandable and not difficult. “(Opinion Editorial). I summarize the image in one sentence and then write my opinion. Before, I used to love writing summaries and not about my claims. It made me lose points. I believe a good example of how my writing has improved is the comparison of the first essay, Opinion Editorial, and the last, Critical Analysis. For the first essay, I was focusing on word count and making sure I would finish time. I fixed the essay after editing it, but before it wasn’t giving much to the audience. In the last essay, I wrote plenty because I was making sure my points were being explained properly. Even though the word count requirement was different between the two, the first essay was only 700 words and I struggled to reach that. The last essay had to be 1700 words and I could’ve written so much than I have. I could have rambled on for pages if I really wanted to. I appreciate writing more than I did in the beginning of the semester. 

Word Count: 535


Critical Analysis

Amarlis Vazquez 

25 November 2019

ENGL 21001

Essay #3

             Tragic Events Influencing Media; Kesha’s story       

During many years on media history sexual assault and harassment have become very prevalent as the years go on. Artist and actors, he become more open to speaking about their sexual abuse in different form of art. Artists such as Kesha have used their music to tell their story of sexual abuse and raise awareness of this issue. 

Kesha is an American singer/songwriter. At the age of 18, she was singed to Kemosabe Records. This record label is owned by Sony Music Entertainment. She had huge successes with songs she wrote for other artists and songs she recorded herself. “Broke the record in the United States for the highest sales week for a single, with 610,000 digital downloads sold in a single week, the highest ever by a female artist since digital download tracking began in 2003.“ (Ke$ha Sets Female). She had done so well for herself and had surprised everyone in the music industry. She made a name for herself. Kesha began to have disputes with Dr. Luke, her producer, in 2014. Kesha had claimed plenty of allegations against Dr. Luke. She argued that was sexually, physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. He was causing emotional distress, discrimination, and violated laws in business practice. Dr. Luke denial all allegations. In 2016, all of Kesha’s claims against Dr. Luke was dismissed. She then dropped all the charges because it was stunting “If I were being totally honest, I had moments, because I didn’t know where I was going or what I was going to do,” (Kesha Talks About). Kesha said that the song was wishing everyone can heal and got passed the past. The lyrics can be interpreted to be words about Dr. Luke and their relationship. “While she never directly addresses Dr. Luke, his abuse, or her legal struggles, Kesha was candid about the realities of hopelessness and depression she experienced over the last few years. She wasn’t afraid to be real about her pain, but she also talked about what it was like to start to heal.” (Is Kesha’s song). Most people who listen to the song thing of the issues Kesha had dealt with which obviously goes to Dr. Luke.  “This song is about coming to feel empathy for someone else even if they hurt you or scare you. It’s a song about learning to be proud of the person you are even during low moments when you feel alone. It’s also about hoping everyone, even someone who hurt you, can heal.”. (Kesha Fights Back). Kesha wants people to understand that healing is key and by healing, you need to understand your pain. The lyrics speak out about forgiveness and moving on from the issues and becoming something bigger. 

The audience to the song is those who ever experienced being let down. Anyone who has ever felt that they couldn’t do anything. Kesha explains in the song that she is finally free of all her troubles and she is stronger. Those who listen to the song will feel that power and the healing that Kesha felt. If someone relates to the issues Kesha has dealt with, they will feel even more empowered by the lyrics. The lyrics are about finding peace when you’re hopeless. 

The genre of this text is a song. I think this type of genre is perfect to bring awareness of the negative parts of the music industry and sexual harassment. Especially since Kesha is a singer, this was a perfect way to vent and put her feelings out there rather than just write a post. In a negative aspect, those who don’t like the melody or beat of the song, may not want to hear the lyrics. However, the song, “Praying”, had a good response and many listened to her message. The musical genre of the song is a pop ballad. It had features of gospel and soul. This type of genre is good for the message she wanted to conceive because if the song was rock and very fast, her message might’ve been looked over. The tempo and lack of instruments made her vocals and lyrics come out clear. 

Kesha released a music video to the song “Praying” the same month she published the song. The opening of the video is a monologue that has themes of isolation. She questions as to why she’s been abandoned by everyone around her. After the monologue you see Kesha floating on a piece of garbage, stranded in the ocean. This relates to isolation the connection of the monologue to the way she feels. She seems detached and abandoned while she floats in the water. The video remains black and white which shows that she feels lifeless. The camera gets close to her palm tattoo of the planet Saturn. Some say that Saturn represents rebirth and starting anew. The camera then zooms into her eye and the video is now color. Kesha is somewhere new and there is so much mess surrounding her. This is supposed to represent her thoughts. Kesha walks by television screens with words like, “too hot for tv”, “men”, “blah”.  These words represent media and entertainment industry. In the next scene she is painting her face in war paint. This is foreshadowing the difficulties she’s going to have to face in the future. The next scene, Kesha is dressed like an angel playing while playing the piano. This can represent how music can help people. Music was a part of her healing process. Kesha than rays to a cross. This refers to the monologue in the beginning, when she was begging God for a sign. The camera then zooms back out of her eye and she is still floating in the ocean. She slightly moves which represents she is slowly getting stronger and realizing she can get better. Throughout the rest of the video they go back and forth between Kesha in the colorful world and Kesha in the black and white world. The next scenes Kesha is enclosed with net traps. This represents that she feels trapped and feeling of not being able to be free of her issues. In the next scenes Kesha is being chased by men with pig heads. They never catch her, and she runs to a mountain like sculpture that reads, “God is love”. She could run away from the pigs, who can represent media, materialism, and the music industry, because of music, love, and faith. In the next black and white scene, a colorful bird appears next to her face. This is her sign from god that she asked for in the monologue. This causes her to move even more. In the next colorful scenes, she is either singing passionately or destroying the words on the television screens with a bat. The next scene, Kesha is touching a whale in the ocean. Whales represent creativity and knowledge of life and death. Then what was once black and white became colorful. Who she used to be is no longer there, and she now stronger so she can face any other obstacles coming her way.

Kesha’s lyrics have themes of strength and bravery. It is obvious that she is speaking to someone in her lyrics. In the first verse, she sings “Well, you almost had me fooled Told me that I was nothing without you Oh, but after everything you’ve done I can thank you for how strong I have become”. The person she is speaking to (assuming Dr.Luke) had told her that she is nothing without them but she’s realized that it’s not true and that she is her own person. After all the bad things this person has done, she has become stronger and she thanks them. In the chorus, she sings, “I hope you’re somewhere praying, praying I hope your soul is changing, changing I hope you find your peace Falling on your knees praying”. After everything bad this person has done, she hopes that he realizes it and is trying to change. She wants him to become a better person but he needs to actually try. In the bridge, she sings, “Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night Someday, maybe you’ll see the light Oh, some say, in life, you’re gonna get what you give But some things, only God can forgive”. Kesha prays for this person and hopes that he goes onto a better path. With the line “Only God can forgive”, it shows that Kesha may not forgive him for a few things, but what matters most is that God can forgive him. 

Creating music to bring awareness to issues have been such a positive outcome. 

Is text accurate. People create lyrics that will bring the audiences attention. The Black-Eyed Peas wrote the song, “Where is the love” due to the shocking news of 9/11. They used pop culture to make a political statement. “But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate” (8 Protest Songs). This shows that Black-Eyed Peas are trying to tell the audience that you had to start accepting other races other than your own and peace will occur. “Successful viral marketing campaigns are comprised of an engaging message that involves imagination, fun and intrigue, encourages ease of use and visibility, targets credible sources, and leverages combinations of technology.” (Controlled infection). This goes along with the way that the artists portray the message in a video. This way of spreading awareness and sending a message can be really affective because there are chances that the song will get popular which will reach to many. 

            The message Kesha is trying to spread is extremely important. Sexual harassment in the music industry can continue to happen if isn’t taken seriously. If people are not aware that things happen to celebrities as well, things will just continue.” Their stories of healing centered on the role of “moving on” with their lives, which included aspects of cognitive reframing and empowerment. Reliance on belief and value systems, safety measures, and social support, despite continuing psychological and physical symptomatology, enabled the moving-on process.” (Healing After Torture). People who have been tortured both mentally and physically need a lot of care. They need to properly understand that they went through a difficult obstacle, but they can overcome it. Kesha’s message is to heal yourself in order to be stronger is very significant. The message can resonate in so many people’s hearts. Understanding you pain will allow you to move on and love yourself. 

Word Count: 1753

Works Cited

Brooks, Dave. “Billboard Business.” “Ke$Ha Sets Female Download Record”,

Dobele, Angela. “Controlled Infection! Spreading the Brand Message through Viral Marketing.” Business Horizons, vol. 48, no. 2, 2005, pp. 143–149., doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2004.10.011.

Isakson, Brian L. “Healing After Torture.” Qualitative Health Research, vol. 23, no. 6, 2013, pp. 749–761., doi:10.1177/1049732313482048.

Kesha. “Kesha Fights Back in Her New Single, ‘Praying.’” Kesha Fights Back in Her New Single, “Praying”, Lenny Letter, 30 May 2018,

“Kesha Is Talking About Her Suicidal Thoughts So You Can Too.” The Mighty, 26 Nov. 2019,

Ross, Danny. “8 Protest Songs Since 2000 That Inspired Change (All The Way To The Bank).” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 31 July 2018,

Trombetta, Sadie. “Is Kesha’s Song ‘Praying’ about Dr. Luke? Here’s What We Know about Her Powerful Single.” HelloGiggles, 28 Jan. 2018,


Visual Essay

Amarlis Vazquez 

October 25, 2019

ENGL 21001

Essay #2

                                                                        Visual Essay

            My visual is targeted towards those who believe woman should not be judged by what they wear and disagree with societies view of women’s choice of clothing. This audience will be predominantly women who have been judged by their clothing. I want the audience to understand why this type of judgement should be stopped or at least controlled. It has made many woman’s lives difficult. It might’ve cost them a job or being misunderstood just because of their choice of clothing. Too much or too little. I would hope the audience would agree and would want to spread this visual to others so that others don’t feel alone. It will maybe help other, like younger woman, understand that what they wear does not define them. The genre’s that would make my visual more accessible and attractive to my audience are magazines, both physical and online, and articles. The articles would be descriptions of my visual and the purpose of it. The magazines would probably include just a small sentence or two of what my visual is. The easiest way to post my visual, is through social media. Everyone can easy access any social media apps like Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat. For example, if my visual were to be on Instagram, people who agree would like it so much that it would appear on the explore page. More people would be able to see it and share, maybe even post it on their stories or pages. It could be posted by an influencer to spread the image and bring awareness. People who agree with my visual are typically in the younger years, and most have social media

Word Count: 276. 



  I chose a collage as my genre because it was the simplest way to show my argument. A collage or mood board have always been something that interests me. I have created many mood boards in my life because they represent things I believe in and work for. For instance, my current mood board has concepts that motivate me to graduate and find a career that I love. There could be simpler ones like the one I have made the one for my birthday, next year. Collages can be used for any type of purpose. It can be a collage of images of your family that represents the love you have for them or it could be used for academic purposes. For example, putting different concepts of a chemistry chapter, periodic table, beakers, microscope, etc., into a collage and it would help you remember the chapter better. My genre showed different types of fashion on women and that they should all be respected. I only had to use Google drawing and find images online or certain influencers that fit the look I was trying to convey. With this genre, my audience goes more towards women in the ages 14 and above. It’s towards those who do have their own choice in what they wear and are being judged for it. The reason this genre is perfect for that audience because it can something posted in a magazine or on social media. It would be spread quickly and something that’s too not wordy.  The point could get across fast. 

The rhetorical strategy I used was ethos, logos, and pathos. I used logos because the images I included forms an argument. It informs the audience of my view of a strong and smart woman. It informs the audience this because in the image, there are different woman of different skin colors, clothing and size. When I put the words in the middle, my argument is that all women of those types are beautiful and strong, which mean all women are. Because there are different fashion types of women on the collage/mood board, it shows that every woman is strong and smart. I use pathos because when the audience views my genre, they would be able to relate to at least one of the fashion choices that are in my collage. I think the audience would feel this was because when I was creating the collage, I was basing it off of fear and anger that I have experienced In my life because I have been judged by what I wear. Simply because I am a woman and a woman who has choice. 

Composing a visual essay is different from writing a traditional essay because in a traditional essay you are strictly writing based of a source or claim and those articles become your proof. In a visual essay, the main purpose of your essay is based off the composition you created. No visual essay will be the same as another student. They may have the same point to cross but their visual will not be the same. Compositions vary between memes, collages, a video or a photoshopped image. Every writing will be different. In my opinion a visual essay is more difficult. With a traditional writing, I can pull articles left and right that will support my essay. In a visual essay you are only talking about your composition. It’s more difficult reaching the page length and the fear of repetition is there. 


Opinion Editorial

Amarlis Vazquez 

September 23, 2019

ENGL 21001

Essay #1 

                                                            Opinion Editorial 

            As a woman, I get judged for what I say and do. There have been so many instances in my life where someone judged me by what I have worn. In middle and high school, showing too much skin was not allowed. I went to a school that had a uniform and whenever we could where regular clothes, everyone freaked out. We tried to wear what we thought was going to be the most popular or cute enough. The girls wanted to wear skirts, dresses, and spaghetti strap shirts. Due to my body type, anything I did wear may come off as too much. I would have too much cleavage or my skirt too tight. 

According to the school system, “too” much skin meant not being able to show your shoulders or not being allowed to wear shorts above your knee. In the article, “Don’t measure a woman’s worth by her clothes”, the author, Dovas, explains that there is always a way to judge a woman by what they wear. They include images from a feminist campaign that explains that women are either prudes, old fashioned or more. The image the author includes is an image of a woman’s neck and down to where her bra is showing. In the link the author included, there are more images that campaign created.

I think the author wanted the audience to realize that this is an actual issue that occurs to women daily. She makes this purpose visible due to the language being understandable and not difficult.  

Women who show any kind of cleavage are seen differently than those that cover themselves. They are seen as promiscuous or loose. This is opposite for those who wear lots of clothing. People view them as prude. The older generations think showing skin as a woman is scandalous and not right. The article, “Don’t judge a Muslim woman’s dress choice”, the author writes that people judge Muslim women for what they wear. Those people even try connecting what they wear, to terrorism and national security. The author continues to explain that many Muslim women choose what they wear, and they are not forced, besides what people think. In Islam, there are some conservative people and think the women need to wear certain things by what they think is right. Muslim women should have a choice.

In a religious view, women cannot show skin or wear tight clothing because of it being a temptation for men. This has never been an issue for men. Men can walk the streets shirtless without it being questioned. For example, if a woman wears a sports bra in public, so many people will stare. Getting dressed for an interview or workplace is difficult for women because the dress or skirt you wear cannot be too tight and you also can’t wear anything too short. If you don’t wear heels or flats with your outfit you are underdressed. There has been this stigma between women of having to wear heels of some sort when they go to an outing. If you don’t wear heels you’re seen as not feminine enough or just childish. In the article, “Judged If You Wear High Heels, Judged If You Wear Anything Else” by name not mentioned, they write, “So, lemme get this straight. If you wear heels, apparently, you’re stupid. But if you wear the wrong kind of flats, you probably look like a little girl. If you wear practical shoes with laces, you probably look like a lesbian. It’s very difficult for a woman to dress herself in anything whatsoever without being judged by someone for it.”. People put this quota on the type of shoe women wear. This leads to stereotypes and wrongful judgment. A person shouldn’t be judged in terms of sexuality or liability by what they wear or what another person thinks of them. 

 This goes as far as how big your heel is. For men, as long as they wear a button-down shirt, they are dressed up enough. Yes, men are also judged for what they wear but not to the extent of women. Women are either dressed over the top or not enough. Too much skin or too little. As Barsha Nag Bhowmick had said, “Judging a woman by what she wears has become that nasty cough people can’t seem to get rid of.” Women should wear what they please just as men do.  

Word Count: 735

Topic Reflection

If I were to submit this essay, I would try for the publication BUST, a magazine company aimed for young woman and centered around music, fashion, DIY, beauty and more. This publication would be good for me because the audience will be interested in my essay. They would relate heavily and maybe form their own opinions. They might take inspiration and spread the issue around themselves. It will help woman immensely. In this op-ed, I point out my purpose and ethos. My purpose is clear from the first paragraph. I state that the issue is being judged by what I, or women, wear. I further my claim, by including different quotes from those who agree with me. This is my ethos. It persuades my audience by proving my credibility. Including authors or articles with my same purpose proves that my purpose is reliable. My pathos come in when I mention my own experience. It shows that I can feel with the audience and we are able to relate to each other. It is visible that I am bothered by the judgment I receive, and it pushes my want to write this op-ed.